Sterility assurance should be verified using three types of indicators (physical, chemical and biological). Physical indicators are the time, temperature and pressure gauges built into sterilizers. These readings should be recorded for every cycle and verified prior to unloading the sterilizer. A sterilizer print out is ideal and should be kept as part of your formal infection prevention records. Chemical indicators should be used on the outside and inside of every package. For steam sterilization,a Type 5 integrating chemical indicator may be used with every load for increased sterility assurance. Special Note: Dynamic Air removal steam sterilizers (also known as prevacuum or Class B) should be tested daily using a Bowie-Dick type test. This test checks for proper air removal which allows this type of steam sterilizer to run a much faster cycle. Biological indicators (also known as spore tests) should be used at least weekly, preferably daily and every load with an implant. BIs are available in either a mail-in service or an in-office system for user convenience. A BI is processed along with the load and then sent to an outside lab for incubation (mail-in service) or activated and incubated by the user (in-office system). Sterilizer failure is noted if the spores grow during incubation. While sterilizers can and do mechanically fail, the leading cause of sterilizer failure is operator error (e.g. running from a cold start, wrong cycle, overloading or improper packaging).
Confirming Pouch Sterilization, Storage, And Event Related Usage
Whether it is transporting equipment back into the treatment room; using the oldest sterilized instruments first (first-in/first-out); ensuring the integrity of pouches without punctures; consider your storage methods and how they may compromise your materials for future use . . .
Keep track of sterilization procedures to protect your practice & your patients with the Crosstex Sterilization Compliance Calendar.
Sterility Assurance FOR Every Load. Every Day. Every Week. Don't Risk it!
When it come to protecting your patients, your staff, yourself and your practice it is critical to ensure you are following best practices for mechanical, chemical and biological. Watch a quick summary video of the products and monitoring required to ensure your practice remains compliant.