After sterilization, inspect all packages for proper color change by the external chemical indicator. Do not handle any package that is visibly wet as this will compromise sterility of the items inside. Sterile packages should be stored in a clean, dry location and preferably closed (i.e. cabinet not open shelf in dentistry). The shelf-life of sterile items is event-related and depends on the quality of the packaging material, storage conditions and amount of handling. Prior to distribution, be sure to inspect sterile packages and do not use any that are damaged, wet or opened.
Sterilization Pouches Wet Pack & Wicking
Pouches need the appropriate drying time. Wet pouches can be cross-contaminated when handled, click play to learn more.
More information about storage and drying can be found in the next video, please click the Step 6 on the navigation bar above or click here to proceed to STEP 6: Quality Assurance for important considerations when storing your sterilization pouches.